
There are three galleries:

  • A demo gallery, that demonstrates some of the most interesting features of ctioga2 and links to the documentation. It acts as a graphical changelog.
  • A real life gallery with pictures that come from scientific publications;
  • An index, that links to all ctioga2-generated graphs within this website, for you to find quickly that specific graph you saw ages ago and can’t find anymore. You can also search for a specific command.

Demo gallery

Images are links to the corresponding code.

New in version 0.14

New in version 0.13

Changes in versions 0.13 and 0.13.1 are not visual, and therefore not represented here.

New in version 0.12

New in version 0.11

New in version 0.10

New in version 0.9

New in version 0.8

New in version 0.7

From previous versions

Real life examples

These images come from publications. Taken out of their scientific context but linking to them can probably be considered fair use.

You may want me to add your pictures here, just ping me !

Graphical index

Latest news

ctioga2 version 0.14.1 is out

Release 0.14.1 of ctioga2 fixes a crash at startup with Ruby 2.3